WAVES by the Beach
My name is Elizabeth Shifflett, the owner of WAVES by the Beach and the brand I Think Myself Happy, Acts 26:2. We focus on empowering ourselves and others to change negative thinking through scripture drawing us closer to God while sharing the gospel through apparel, décor, and more.
I am still learning to lean on God and believe who He says I am. Taking my negative thoughts captive to make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5 NIV) is a daily process. We can know that Jesus loves us, but once we believe it, change happens! As I design each item, I pray that His message touches you in some way. Remind yourself and others when you are wearing a t-shirt with scripture of who you are, or something from our collections that draws you just a little closer to Him.
I am excited to see what God is going to do in my life and in yours as we send the message of our Savior forth into our families, communities, and world.
WAVES by the Beach will continue to spread the gospel through apparel, décor, and more. Join us in this journey and help spread the Good News to others.